16 April 2015

Book Challenge 2015

A little late, I know, but I have been inspired to join a GoodReads group. This year, as I'm starting late, I will be challenging myself to get 36 books read. While this generally doesn't sound like much, I've been working full time and will return to school in the fall, so I'm going to have a full plate on top of any such reading challenge.

Here's to making sure we take time to read. :)

28 January 2014

Book Challenge 2014

Welcome, welcome to book challenge 2014.

I've obviously been a bit slack about this challenge this year. Last year I think I'd read 10 books by this time. Oh how work/awkward schedules change things. At least I have a few books underway (and a few re-reads).

This year I've upped my number again: 45! This may prove more of a challenge than last year, as I am nearly a month behind in reading.

Check out the page dedicated to the book challenge for the details!